Domestic Violence

Can Apps defeat Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is and has been a problem for centuries.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that worldwide, nearly one in three women aged 15-49 have been subjected to some form of physical and/or emotional violence by their partners.

That number is too many.

It also hasn’t decreased in the digital era either - as it has been found that abusers often use technology to stalk, exploit and control their victims. Even abusers who have physical access to their victims’ devices can use their hardware to monitor, track, harass and humiliate them as well as giving the abusers information about any plans their victims may have to leave.

It is not all grim however.  Technology can also be a tool to help protect victims of abuse.

Whether through crowdsourcing for abuse charities, raising awareness on social media or even with AI systems that can identify and predict these violent patterns.

The world of tech can help address the problem that society has with abuse. One such initiative is the German app “Gewaltfrei in die Zukunft” or Violentfree in the Future.

A camouflage app designed to help people who are affected by intimate partner violence which will give users the opportunity to access important information on domestic abuse as well as report an attack.

This way they can collect evidence such as photos of injuries or diary entries which can be stored by the app in an encrypted form to later be used in court. In the dire instance of a life-threatening event, users can use the app to make a direct call to the police without speaking to them or alternatively the app can notify a person they trust.

Currently in pilot stage, the app itself will have no name and doesn't advertise either. Aiming to avoid perpetrators from recognising it, the app’s own secrecy is something to behold.

Read more here -

"We can only hope that this app may never be used or needed, but if it is needed, it gives victims all the tools to keep themselves safe and record every transgression to keep them safe in the future"
Shivvy Jervis

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