Hand Exoskeletons

Will Exoskeletons and Limb Attachments help the disabled?

One of the major causes of long-term disability is a stroke.

Nearly 12 million people worldwide survive one each year, and around 6 million of them are left with limits on the use of their hands.

For years researchers, engineers and scientists have developed systems and interfaces to combat this, however they are often too complex or expensive for the end user.

Emovo Care is a company which has seen, and overcome these obstacles with their device - the “Emovo Grasp” - a light and easy-to-attach hand exoskeleton designed for people who are unable to grasp objects following a stroke or other accident.

This has been developed with the help and input of disabled users over several years, then improved upon through testing through hospitals and rehabilitation centres.

The Grasp consists of two artificial tendons attached to the hand using silicon rings on each finger and a motor which allows the user to modify force exerted. When activated the device applies light pressure on the index and middle fingers, allowing them to pivot and come into contact with an object.

Even against odd-shaped items, the hand changes grip automatically to enable the most natural movement possible. Using a separate remote control, one push of a button allows the user to send the opposite command, allowing the device to pull and straighten the fingers to release the object held. This is designed around the natural system of muscles and tendons in the hand.

The device is an easy and lightweight development for patients struggling with hand movements and could change the lives of millions of people across the world who struggle with usage of their hands.

Read more here -

"Our hands are our most important tool. With bionics, people who struggle with weak or no grip need not a face a lifetime of hardship "
Shivvy Jervis

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