Smartphone Monitoring Pacemaker

Smartphones and Pacemakers - A match made in heaven?

During a clinical trial, doctors at the Cleveland Clinic discovered that by empowering patients through a smart device app to remotely monitor the data transmissions of their pacemaker had a real world success rate of 92.8%

The BlueSync Field Evaluation was the first time that patients were given direct access to their pacemaker data, which is traditionally kept alongside a bedside monitor.

Allowing these patients the opportunity to monitor themselves has improved patient outcomes and adherence to guidelines for the pacemaker.

The principle investigator - Khaldoun Tarakji, MD, MPH believes that these findings have the potential to reshape the monitoring of patients with implantable cardiac electronic devices

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"Being able to monitor and view the output of a pacemaker whenever you need is putting power back into the hands of the person and the findings show that it improves their health across the board

Shivvy Jervis

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